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Supported web browsers
Wambi can be accessed from the following browsers (both mobile and desktop):
- Google Chrome
- Microsoft Edge
- Mozilla Firefox
- Safari
Mobile app requirements:
- iOS: iOS 15 and up
- Android: Android 12.0 and up
Authentication and access
- Single Sign-On (SSO) with SAML2 (preferred)
- OTP (Sign in with a code)
- Application Authentication (username and password)
- Biometric authentication (e.g., Face ID, fingerprint) (mobile app only)
Hosting and infrastructure
- Hosting Environment:
- AWS (Amazon Web Services): used for containerized, reliable, secure cloud infrastructure
- MySQL: used for database management
- SSL/TLS: end-to-end encryption to ensure data transmission security
- Data Transfer:
- HTTPS/SFTP for secure data file transfers
- Security and Compliance
- Compliance: Design and managed using NIST and SOCII
Unsupported browsers and operating systems
To deliver the best possible user experience, we keep our list of supported browsers short. We don’t fix bugs or issues for unsupported browsers, so we do our best to block them from accessing Wambi.