Wondering about the technical side of the Wambi mobile app? Read on for the description, as well as technical and security details. For more details about the features available on the mobile app, refer to this article.

Mobile app name

Download location
Apple Store and Google Play

Mobile OS
iOS and Android

The Wambi mobile app allows your organization’s employee users to send and receive recognition in the form of thank you notes, comments, reactions, and engage in challenges. Employees can also view any recognition received from patients. Patient recognition submission is not currently supported in the mobile app.

Technical FAQs

  1. What data is captured on the Wambi app?
    Employee PII: first/last name, IDE#, job title, data of hire, phone, email, optional date of birth (m/d only).

  2. Is user authentication used?
    Yes, Wambi uses SSO via SAML2.

  3. Is data cached locally?

  4. Is data encrypted in transit?
    Yes, AES 256.

  5. Does the mobile app server environment utilize firewalls?

  6. Are keys used with the app?

  7. Have APIs been secured for the app?
    APIs for the mobile app are shared with the web app version of Wambi and utilize expiring session token authentication and security.

  8. Is input validation performed on external sources of data?

  9. Can the app be managed by an MDM solution?

  10. Is the app regularly updated to account for security patching, OS updates?
    Yes, the app is regularly updated based on the Wambi platform frequent release schedule.

  11. Are third-party penetration tests performed on a regular schedule?
    Yes. Minimally, once per year and at every major release. Internal vulnerability scans are performed quarterly.

  12. Are third-party cookies used with the Wambi app?

  13. What other wireless technologies are used such as Bluetooth, NFC or WiFi Direct?

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