If you want to make a QR code in your brand colors that looks like the one provided by Wambi, this is the recommended process. The directions below are specific to QR Code Monkey, the preferred QR generator for Wambi collateral.

Example of a Wambi-branded QR code

Create QR code for site hyperlink (URL)

  1. Visit https://www.qrcode-monkey.com/
  2. Select the type of QR code you would like to create from the top banner; for a hyperlink (e.g., site.wambiapp.com), select URL
  3. Enter the URL in the "Your URL" box
  4. Expand the Set Colors accordion item
  5. Enter your brand color hex codes under the "foreground color" options; we recommend a color gradient (we use the linear gradient and the Wambi brand colors #0033FF and #7733EA)
  6. Expand the Add Logo Image accordion item
  7. Upload your desired logo with a transparent background; make sure to check the box for "Remove background behind logo" (we use the Wambi bird logo)
  8. Expand the Customize Design accordion item
  9. Update the "Eye frame shape" and the "Eye ball shape" to your desired shape (we use the rounded rectangles)
  10. Select Create QR Code; make sure size is at least 1000 x 1000 px for quality
  11. Review the preview; if you are happy with the design, select Download PNG to access your final QR code

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Create QR code to open an SMS message with a text-to-thank code

  1. Visit https://www.qrcode-monkey.com/
  2. Select the type of QR code you would like to create from the top banner; for a link to your organization's text-to-thank code, select URL
  3. Enter 616-449-2624 in the "Your Phone Number" box
  4. Enter your organization's text-to-thank code (e.g., "3NORTH") in the "Your Message" box; this will appear as the message when the user scans the code
  5. Expand the Set Colors accordion item
  6. Enter your brand color hex codes under the "foreground color" options; we recommend a color gradient (we use the linear gradient and the Wambi brand colors #0033FF and #7733EA)
  7. Expand the Add Logo Image accordion item
  8. Upload your desired logo with a transparent background; make sure to check the box for "Remove background behind logo" (we use the Wambi bird logo)
  9. Expand the Customize Design accordion item
  10. Update the "Eye frame shape" and the "Eye ball shape" to your desired shape (we use the rounded rectangles)
  11. Select Create QR Code; make sure size is at least 1000 x 1000 px for quality
  12. Review the preview; if you are happy with the design, select Download PNG to access your final QR code

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