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View People

  Administrator Feature

This feature is available to administrator users in Wambi.

Administrators are able to manage users manually in Wambi using the People page in the Management Hub. View active and deactivated users, update user details, add new users, and deactivate users from one convenient location.


The  People page is not available on mobile.

View People

  1. Navigate to your  Management Hub
  2. Select  People
  3. The user management page will appear; actions available directly on this page include:

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Filter results

The People page can be filtered by searching by name or job title, and by using any the table or column filters.

  • Patient Visibility and Status: these dropdown filters located at the top of the table will only show users with the selected attributes; patient visibility indicates whether the team members appear in the patient interface, and status indicates whether the user account is active or deactivated
  • Manager and Location: each of these columns can be filtered by multiple checkboxes; to open the filter options, hover your mouse over the column header and click the menu  that appears, check the appropriate boxes, and click anywhere on the table or click on the menu  again to filter the results
  • Role: this column can be filtered by selecting the desired roles you wish to see; to open the filter, hover your mouse over the column header and click the menu  that appears, and then check the role you wish to see (click Clear to reset the filter)

Any of the filters can be used in combination with each other to find the desired results.

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Contact employee

To email an employee directly, click the envelope button in the Contact column on the far right of the page. This will open the default mail application on your device with the team member's email address in the recipient field.


The envelope button will not appear for users who do not have an email associated with their account.

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View employee details

To view employee details, click on any team member. The details screen will appear. From this screen, you can:

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Edit details

In order to edit any of the information in any of the sections on the Overview page, click the corresponding Edit button. Some of the fields will appear as read-only, indicated by a lock  in the data field. To save your changes, click Save changes

To note on the Overview page:

  • Employee role in the Employee Details section corresponds with administrator capabilities in Wambi; the two options are "Employee" (no administrative capabilities) and "Client Admin"
  • Adding a manager using the Manager Details field will allow the manager to see the team member's Patient Voice results and profile change requests; you will be asked to confirm the action before saving any changes 
  • Toggling on the Hide in Patient Portal will not show the employee as a result when a patient is searching in the patient interface

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Edit group membership

In order to view the group membership, click on the Groups option on the left of the details page. The team member's groups will appear, with the Primary Location appearing on the top (if this is set up in your account).

Each group includes the details of the group (the parent group and the group type) and the team member's membership within the group. See Roles in Wambi for role permissions for group admins and members.

To add the team member to a group, click the purple Add to group button located under the Groups section. Scroll to or search for your desired group, and click the Add button. The default group membership is member.

To remove the team member from a group, open the Membership dropdown and select Remove.

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Deactivate or reactivate

To deactivate the user, scroll to the Sign-in Information section on the Overview page. Click the Deactivate user link; a prompt will appear asking to confirm the action. Click Yes to confirm.

Once a user is deactivated, their account can be reactivated on the detail screen using the Activate user link; a prompt will appear asking to confirm the action. Click Yes to confirm.

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Rebecca is the author of this solution article.

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