Wambi 4.8.40
RELEASED: September 20, 2023
- Quick tapping folks in our patient surveys could have submitted bonus responses; we admire the speed but added an in-progress state to prevent any issues from happening
- The realm filter at the highest level of an account was disabled in a really specific situation (when multiple top-level groups existed and the first one had no child groups); the dropdown now appears as expected
- The trait filter on patient portal was winning at hide and seek when there wasn't a location filter set; we found it
- Raffle titles were not centered for prizes when all other prizes were centered; they found their center
- Challenges weren't being issued to users who were linked to a manager trait more than once; while we wanted to let some people off the hook, they are back on the hook for challenges
Wambi 4.8.33
RELEASED: September 13, 2023
- We made a small tweak that no one will actually see but what matters is that it makes us feel better
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