Wambi 4.7.90

  RELEASED: April 5, 2023

What's New or Improved

Group Tagging
Shout out to groups - literally! You can now tag groups in any text field!

Post Improvements
Call this a post double - the UI for posts now has the sender's face as the larger image with a cute li'l post icon in the lower right corner and moderators can see the option to pin posts to groups they moderate no matter where they're pinning from!

As it always was, Celebrations are back on the mobile newsfeed as the fifth newsfeed item (under any pinned posts). And - bonus! - they can still be found under any group profile on mobile and desktop.

Patient Voice Improvements
The Patient Voice will now appear if a user has ever received patient responses in Wambi instead of just in the last 30 days! Hooray!


  • Like a "Give us feedback!" box with a lock and no key, our patient feedback url in emails was not working; it does now
  • Starring your primary work location made it disappear from your Account Settings, along with a smattering of other errors (see 4.7.81); since our intention isn't widespread chaos, you can star what you want, what you really, really want
  • Hot Streak and Perfect Score SMS links were undefined, but are now very much defined

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