Wambi Cohorts are custom groups that can be created by group admins within your existing group structure! This eagerly-awaited feature allows you to customize your Cohorts, determine communication and membership settings based on your goals, and seamlessly connect with diverse teams and audiences across your organization. Busy leaders can now embrace streamlined communication and increased connection all within Wambi's cohesive platform!

Cohorts FAQs

Where can I set up a Cohort?
You can add a cohort within a group you administer directly from the group's profile page!

How can I add additional group admins to my group?
You can promote members of the group to be group admins. You can adjust membership at any time.

How can I find my Cohorts?
All of your groups appear on your newsfeed, and your Cohorts (where you're a member or a group admin) will appear here as well! Want to see certain groups first? Simply star the group and it will appear at the top (all starred groups appear alphabetically).

Why can't I tag my Cohort?
If your Cohort visibility is set to  Group Members Only, it cannot be tagged.

What do the different settings on the Cohort mean?
  •  Open to All: anyone can join this group from the group profile page
  •  Controlled (default): the group admins manage group membership by manually adding users

Post privileges
  •  All Members (default): all members of this group can make posts in the feed
  •  Group Admins Only: only group admins of this group's domain can make posts in the feed

  •  Everyone: This group is visible to everyone; all content from this group will appear on the main newsfeed
  •  Group Members Only (default): This group is private; only members of this group can view and add content


If you change the group visibility setting from "group members only" to "everyone" after content has been added to your group, it will be visible to everyone in your organization immediately after saving your changes!

Can I invite my team to my Cohort?
Anyone can share the group profile for a Cohort! If the group membership is set to  Open to All, anyone can click "Join" and be part of the fun!

How can I add more members to my group?
Group admins can add anyone in their organization to their Cohort - the bulk add feature is an efficient way of adding multiple members at once.

I no longer need my Cohort; what can I do?
Group admins can archive Cohorts they no longer need - all of the data will be preserved! And, if you accidentally archive a group, you can always restore it.

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