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Contractor User Guide

Wambi Overview

Wambi is a recognition and culture transformation platform that improves your organization’s human experience with the power of gratitude.

Image of team member Wambi dashboard

From your Wambi homepage, you can:

  • View
    • Your organization, primary location, and all your associated and starred groups
    • Celebrations in your groups
    • Recent newsfeed posts and Wambis (with filters by different type!)
  •  Search for colleagues or groups
  • Send a Wambi
  • Navigate
    • to Notifications  
    • to the menu


Celebrations will appear on group profiles on mobile.

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Wambi Newsfeed

Visit the newsfeed to see recent posts by leaders, as well as Wambis sent by patients, your team, and leaders, and shared Wambis! 

Newsfeed filtersReactionsCelebrationsShared Wambis
You can filter your selected newsfeed view by all, posts, Patient Voice, and Celebrations!

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View your notifications  to see recent activity! From relevant posts to Wambis, reactions to comments, you can click any notification to see details! 

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Send a Wambi

Wambis are eCards of appreciation that can be sent to anyone in your organization. You can send unlimited Wambis to your peers, team, and leaders, and can share any Wambi!

Group WambiIndividual WambiShare On Newsfeed Option

To share a Wambi with a group at your organization, search for the group by name using the  Search bar, and then click the Send a Wambi button in the group profile.

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My Profile

My Profile is where you can see all of your Wambis and edit your profile.

To view all of the Wambis you have sent, received, or shared, click View All on the Wambis widget, then click on Received, Sent, or Shared to view those Wambis. If there are any Wambis that were not shared on the newsfeed, look for (not shared on newsfeed) under the name headers.

You can also view your display name, your pronoun preferences, your photo, your job title, and your group membership. If you would like to update your profile, click Edit my preferences.

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Menu Options

Access your menu to view your profile, update your preferences, ask for support, see what's new, or to sign out of your account.

My preferencesAsk for supportSee what's new
Want to check your account settings, update your password, or set your notification preferences? Head to  My preferences to make any updates.

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Rebecca is the author of this solution article.

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