Wambi 4.7.32
RELEASED: October 27, 2022
- Reactions were having a DAY and went on strike; we reached an agreement and reactions are back to working as expected
- Speaking of a general strike, scheduled Wambis and posts that included some sweet, sweet @ mentions also refused to work with us; after a couple of rounds of discussion, they now send as scheduled
Wambi 4.7.31
RELEASED: October 25, 2022
- Inactive users on Wambi came back for spooooooooky season and caused some mysterious experiences when viewing reactors; now, those users are more like “Casper the friendly ghost” than “Poltergeist”
- Speaking of weird and wacky issues, a pesky little bug went trick-or-treating early and started causing issues on production tasks (tricking); a simple code treat… er, tweak… fixed all the errors
Wambi 4.7.30
RELEASED: October 19, 2022
What's New or Improved
- View Reactors
- Have you ever wondered who has been reacting to your Wambis and who your biggest
flanfan is? Wonder no longer - you can now view who is hyping you up!
On desktop:- Hover over any of the reactions added on your post or Wambi! You will see a list of reactors (and up to three of their profile pictures).
- To see the complete list of reactors for a newsfeed item, click on the pop up list and the "Reactors" detail box will appear with all of the reactions on the item with the associated reactors.
- If there are more than four reactions on any given item, you can use the arrows next to the reactions to scroll through the reactions and reactors!
- Press and hold a reaction added on your post or Wambi! The "Reactors" detail box will appear with all of the reactions on the item with the associated reactors.
- If there are more than four reactions on any given item, you can use the arrows next to the reactions to scroll through the reactions and reactors!
- UI Improvements
- Check out the sweet, sweet new reaction box that appears when you add a reaction! While you're at it, kindly appreciate the (more normal-sized) kebab menu on the comments.
- As an added "look and feel" bonus, sheet names on exported reports are now capped at 31 characters so they don't prattle on unnecessarily in perpetuity.
- When users chose to "Send Excel/CSV to Me," they received an email without the requested report; while this is trick-or-treat season, the email now includes the report requested
- Some QR Codes sent users to a broken link; this wasn't great, so our QR codes have been updated
- Shared Wambis on a user's profile showed a blank purple circle if a user did not have a profile photo; we fixed this instead of shaming users for missing photos
- As another fun "trick-or-treat" moment, when a user added a comment from the Wambi detail view, the comment showed the incorrect user as the initial commenter; no more tricks, so this was fixed
- On the Management Hub, the column filter was not working for Prize Fulfillment and Recent Wambis; the filter is now back on track and working as expected
- In spite of our enthusiasm, new challenges were not appearing in notifications; our enthusiasm has been refreshed and new challenges appear as expected
Wambi 4.7.21
RELEASED: October 3, 2022
- Scheduled Wambis hit a traffic jam; we overcame the honking, redirected the traffic, and things are now flowing smoothly again
Looking for other releases?
See all of Wambi's release notes here!