Manager Feature

This feature is available to manager users in Wambi.

If a patient answers a question from the Patient & Family Portal with Okay, Fair, or Poor, or submits a comment about what could have been done better during their experience with a team member, the response will be recorded on the Patient Feedback page in the Management Hub. Managers can see all of the feedback for their direct reports and anyone in their reporting hierarchy! Read on to learn how to view a patient's contact information for follow up.


Team members will not see any patient feedback.

Contact for follow-up

When submitting feedback, patients can request a follow-up to their feedback.


If your organization has opted out of collecting patient contact information as part of feedback, contact information will not appear.

To see the feedback received and contact the patient:

  1. Navigate to the Feedback details page of the feedback you would like to follow up on (identified by   Follow-up requested)
  2. Scroll to the Contact: Patient Name box to see the patient's phone number and email address

    1. On mobile: Tap or click on the patient's phone number   to call the number provided
    2. On mobile or desktop: Click on the patient's email address  to open an email to the patient

  3. Once you have completed the follow up, check the Follow-up complete box under the patient contact information;  your name and timestamp of the follow-up will appear under the check box
  4. The  Follow-up requested banner at the top of the feedback details page will change to  Follow-up completed
  5. Navigate back to the main Patient Feedback page by clicking the  back button at the top left of the Feedback details page or the Close button on the top right; you will see  Follow-up completed added to the feedback

Image of follow-up completed on patient feedback in Wambi


You can also leave a note about your conversation with the patient!

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