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Direct manager / Supervisor menu overview

Direct Manager / Supervisor Menu

Access your menu at the top right of your page to view your profile, ask for support, change your password, get your team recognized, view feedback, access Lessons, or to sign out of your account. You can also see the version of Wambi that you are using.

View profile
Select View profile to open your My Profile page where you will find your Progress, Wambis, Challenges, and Patient Voice

My preferences
Open  My preferences to view your account settings, change your password, or determine your notification settings.

Collect Wambis
To pull up the Patient & Family Portal, select the  Collect Wambis menu item. You will be brought to the portal and can collect gratitude for your team!

View feedback
To review patient responses to what could have been done better, head to  View feedback. You will see the comments requesting follow up, and you can note any updates for other leaders to see, allowing you to close the loop quickly!

Ask for support
Need assistance using Wambi? Select  Ask for support to be connected to the Wambi Support Desk.

Lessons are quick, helpful tips about how to get the most out of Wambi! You will see newly available Lessons when you sign in to Wambi, and you can revisit the Lessons at any time for a refresher by visiting your menu and then  Lessons!

See what's new
Head to  See what's new to learn about new features in Wambi!


If you have been added as a delegate user for someone, you will see the menu option to  Switch Accounts to take actions as that user.


Looking for  Profile Change Requests? They moved to the   Management Hub!

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Rebecca is the author of this solution article.

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