You can share any Wambi that was shared to the newsfeed and add a personalized message before sharing! 

Shared Wambis will appear on the newsfeed as well as in the Shared Wambis section of My Wambis on a user's profile.


Shared Wambis will not appear on the Recent Wambis page.

Gif of shared Wambi on Wambi

Share a Wambi

  1. Scroll to the Wambi that you would like to share
  2. Tap the  menu on the Wambi
  3. Select the Share this Wambi button that appears over the Wambi
  4. The Share Wambi pop up will appear; feel free to say something about the Wambi (or share without adding a message!)
  5. Click Share - the Wambi will now be shared in your circle, and it will appear in your Shared Wambis on your profile! 

That's it! Other users can now comment on and react to your shared Wambi, and see the comments and reactions on the original Wambi by clicking on it! If you need to make changes to your message, you can edit your shared Wambi.


You cannot share: 

  • Any Wambis that are not shared on the newsfeed
  • Any Wambi that you have sent

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