You can see all of the upcoming and recent Celebrations in your Circle right on the newsfeed! 


Celebrations will show upcoming and recent birthdays, new hires, and service anniversaries, as well as birthdays and service anniversaries that will occur in the next year.

View upcoming Celebrations

Image of upcoming celebrations in Wambi

  1. Navigate to your newsfeed  
  2. Scroll to Celebrations

    1. On desktop, Celebrations will appear at the bottom of your right sidebar
    2. On mobile, Celebrations will appear as the fifth post on the newsfeed, or the fifth post after any pinned posts

  3. To view all of the recent celebrations as well as celebrations in the upcoming year, click the View All button at the top right
  4. If you wish to send a message to someone with an upcoming celebration, tap or click on the person's name or image to open their profile and click Send a Wambi

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