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  Manager Feature

This feature is available to manager users in Wambi.

  Administrator Feature

This feature is available to administrator users in Wambi.

Managers and administrators can access Wambi Analytics which provide in-the-moment insights that are tailored to the organization and / or specific to the user or user's group(s).

Access Wambi Analytics

Access your Wambi Analytics page by selecting the Analytics  icon on your top navigation bar.

Image and descriptions of the Wambi Analytics page


The Analytics  page is not available on mobile.

Report types
You will see at least one report type tab appear at the top of your Analytics page. Each report type will contain at least one of the following: a dashboard with one or more widgets, or a report. Click on any tab; the tab for your active report type will be highlighted white.

 Group / subgroup filter
If you are a leader in a group that has subgroups, a caret  will appear next to the group that appears when you access the Analytics tab. To filter the data further, click the caret  and select all of the group(s) or subgroup(s) you would like to view and click Apply. To reset to your group selections, click Reset. Your selections will apply to all report types, reports, and widgets.

 Job type filter and  Date filter
Some report types will have additional filtering option available, such as job type filters and date filters.

  •  Job type filter: This filter allows you to view trends by job type. To filter the data further, click the caret  and deselect the Select All option and then select all of the job types you would like to view and click Apply. To reset to your group selections, click Select All. Your selections will apply to all reports and widgets in this report type and will be reset if you navigate to a different report type.

  •  Date filter: This filter allows you to view trends over time. To filter the data further, click the caret  and select the time frame you would like to view and then click Apply. Your selection will apply to all reports and widgets in this report type. The options for date filters are:

    • Today
    • Last 7 days
    • Last 30 days
    • Last 90 days
    • Last Month
    • Last Quarter
    • Month to Date
    • Quarter to Date
    • Year to Date
    • All Time
    • Custom (select your desired dates from the calendar)

Report widgets
These widgets provide leaders with the opportunity to view trends quickly. Widgets can be line charts, number charts, or percentages; to pinpoint the data on the line chart widgets, hover over the data graph where it intersects with the lines on the vertical axis. A pop-up will appear over the line chart widget with data details.

Detail image of hovering over analytics widget on Wambi

Some widgets may be clickable (when you hover over a widget, your mouse will indicate  the option to select); if you click on widgets that are clickable, you will open linked dashboards, reports, or widgets directly on your dashboard and can export reports that you see. To close out of these linked dashboards, reports, or widgets, simply click on the Dashboard option in your left sidebar. 

Gif of clickable widget reports in Wambi

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Rebecca is the author of this solution article.

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