This is the place where you can see all of the Wambis you have sent or received!

View your Wambis

  1. Navigate to your menu and select View profile
  2. Navigate to your My Wambis
  3. Click the View All button above your My Wambis widget to see all of your sent, received, or shared Wambis in reverse chronological order
  4. You can view your Received, Sent, and Shared Wambis by clicking on the respective headings
  5. Click on any Wambi to view the entire message, any other recipients, as well as any reactions or comments that have been added to the Wambi
  6. You can react or comment on any Wambi from this view, and you can also share any Wambi that you have not yet shared!

If there are any Wambis that were not shared on the newsfeed, look for (not shared on newsfeed) under the name headers.


Your Received Wambis will include any Wambis sent to you from your peers, leaders, and/or patients, as well as group Wambis where you were a recipient

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