If you are patient-facing, your patients can share their gratitude for you - check your Patient Voice to see their responses from the Patient & Family Portal! You can also view trends from different time periods.

View your Patient Voice

Image of Wambi's Patient Voice feature

  1. On mobile and desktop: Navigate to your menu and select View profile
  2. On mobile: Navigate to your  My Profile page
  3. Navigate to your Patient Voice
  • On desktop, look in your right sidebar; your Patient Voice widget will appear on the far right of the page
  • On mobile, scroll to the bottom of your  My Profile page; your Patient Voice widget will appear on the bottom of the page

You will see your overall score for the previous 30 days, including the average response for each question the patients are asked.

You can toggle the bar at the top of the table to see your average scores (and trends!) from the past three months, one year, and all time.

If your patient response scores have improved in comparison to the previous period of time, a   green arrow pointing up will appear; for example, a green arrow will indicate that your score in the past 30 days (if you are on the 1M tab) is higher than the previous 30 days.


If you're a manager, you can look at the Patient Voice for your direct reports!

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