Wambi 4.7.71
RELEASED: February 28, 2023
- Search logic fine-tuned
- Our search had the speed, and now it has the supporting logic! You can now find who and what you're looking for in Wambi with ease (but we still can't help you find your keys).
Wambi 4.7.70
RELEASED: February 22, 2023
- You're our star(red) group!
- We'd like to give a warm, gold starred welcome to starred groups! We took our original "follow a group" feature and improved on it! Now, you can star any groups you want so that they appear at the top of your list of groups (alphabetically) on the left sidebar of your newsfeed for quick reference, or in the search options on mobile. No longer need to have a group starred? Simply tap on the star and the group will be removed from the starred groups!
You will be able star a group from the group profile page on mobile.
- Follow Up Request and Poor Score & Comment Received Emails
- We now have separate notifications and emails for when patients request a follow-up to a comment they submit and when they just comment; the update now includes language specific to each instance.
- Leap Year Improvements
- Leap Year birthdays and service anniversaries were patiently waiting until 2024 to appear again; however, since we love celebrating more frequently than that, they will now appear in between February 28 and March 1 even when it's not a Leap Year.
- @Mentions disappeared when you went to the next screen in a Wambi; they're done playing hide and seek now
- Search was not rendering for users with two character last names; this was a bummer, so we worked with the search bar to render correctly
- Creating a Wambi draft with recipients and no content crashed when reopening it; it felt dramatic to blow up someone's spot literally so now it opens as expected
- Portal: When a patient said "No Thanks" to a nomination, an entry was logged; as much fun as blank nominations are, they kinda miss the point so it's fixed (and as a bonus, all the empty entries magically disappeared during the release)
- Adding a apostrophe when searching for people or a group returned nothing if results existed; this was confusing because teams do exist... we promise
Wambi 4.7.60
RELEASED: February 9, 2023
What's New or Improved
- New-(s)feed, who dis?
- Left sidebar
- Client icon: this requested feature can be added to each client platform! It will appear both on the newsfeed and in the mobile header. Square images only!
- My "organization" and "facility (or location):" we're in the business of helping people see the things they already know but would like to see anyway.
- CELLLLEBRAATIONNSSS: it's even easier to celebrate your work fam with our fresh Celebrations design! You can see who in your groups is celebrating (specifically from the last 2 days and in the next 7), click in to see more, and, get this - see Celebrations in group profiles too!!! Can't you just feel the Wambi love?? Might want to send a celebratory Wambi for it...
- Newsfeed
- Visibility: you can now see everything - literally! Your newsfeed will now show everything from across your organization, and to clarify what you're seeing, posts and patient Wambis will now have the location where they were shared.
- Pinned posts: leaders tagged to the highest level of an organization (usually the health system) can pin posts from the main newsfeed to the main newsfeed! Otherwise, leaders who wish to pin posts to their groups can visit the group detail page, make a post, and opt to pin the post (for example, if you want to pin a post to Newtown Clinic, you will need to visit Newtown Clinic's page to publish and see the pinned post at the top of your feed, and the post will appear in the main feed as unpinned!). Oh and while we were at it - if a pinned post is dismissed, it now appears in the feed where it should appear and doesn't wait until the end of the pinning period to show up! #LoveToSeeIt #Literally
- UI Improvements
- Our group blocks are now so, so fresh, you can practically smell the mountain breeze - you can even see the group's type on it! This block will appear everywhere that the group icon appears. Also, posts now have a cute new icon to help them stand out on the newsfeed! Finally, the search page on mobile now shows Suggested and My Groups.
Our newsfeed got a refresh! Of note, check out the following:
- Clicking a drafted post was giving an error; but like, we wanted to update the post... so we can (now)
- Users could not create video posts which was a huge bummer because we even have a cute loading page... which appears again because it is fixed!
- Mysteriously, dashes were not working properly in full text search... so they do now and should forever
- We found a fun riddle with two CTA's enabled at the same time; they now appear one at a time
- There were a coupl'a bugs on Wambis, but we made some necessary tweaks and they're all as good as new!
- Safari was real salty again with Challenge icon sizes being wacky and the location and comments were cut off; we didn't ask to speak to a manager but consider Safari on watch
Looking for other releases?
See all of Wambi's release notes here!