Is your Cohort no longer needed? Doing some spring cleaning? You can archive your group so that the group history is preserved!
You can only archive groups that are editable.
Archive your group
- Navigate to your group
- Under the group name, click the Edit button
- Scroll to the bottom of the Edit Group field on the left of your page
- Click the Archive group button
- Review the prompt that appears:
Click Yes, archive group and a success toast message will appear on your screen your group will be archived! The group will no longer appear on your groups list on your newsfeed, be searchable by people who are not members, and posting in the group will no longer be available. For members who search for this group, the group will appear in the search bar as archived. The group profile will also indicate the group's archived status.
Restore your group
- Search for your archived group and open the group profile
- At the top of the newsfeed, click the Restore button
- Review the prompt that appears:
Click Yes, restore group and a success toast message will appear on your screen your group will be restored!