Looking for content specific to one group, location, or team? Head to the group profile to see details!

To open and view a group profile, navigate to any of the following locations: 

  • On the left panel of your home page, you will see your organization, your location, celebrations in your groups, and any groups you are in or have starred; to view the group profile or content specific to one of your groups, simply click on the group to open the group profile
  • On posts or patient Wambis, click the  location name under the header
  •  Group tags in text fields

Image of newsfeed in Wambi

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  • On mobile, tap on the  search button; your groups (both starred and groups you are in) will appear under the "Suggested" people at the bottom of your screen
  • On posts or patient Wambis, click the  location name under the header
  •  Group tags in text fields

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Group profile details: Locked membership groups

Each group profile includes details about the group as well as activity specific to the group. Below is an image of a group with locked membership (membership that can only be adjusted with data ingestion, or manually by client admins using the People page in the Management Hub).

Group profile page in Wambi

  • Group name: Next to the group name is a star; to add this group to your starred groups, click on the star outline (if it is yellow, the group is already starred and appears in your home page side bar)


    You cannot star your primary location, organization, or a team that you manage.

  • Group type and parent group: The type of group that this group is (team, unit, facility, hospital, etc.) appears as well as the parent group name; click this parent group to open that group profile
  • Celebrations: This shows who has upcoming or recent birthdays or service anniversaries; by clicking on celebrations, the list of all celebrations in the next year appears
  • Subgroups: If the selected group or team has any subgroups (for example a facility is selected and it has 4 units within it, 4 groups will show), the number of subgroups appear; otherwise, if you are a group admin of the group, the ability to add a group will appear)

This is the newsfeed specific to the selected group. Posts pinned to this specific group will appear at the top of the feed for the selected days, and if you write a post from a group profile, the audience will be defaulted to the selected group only.

This page includes the total number of members and group admins the group has; by clicking on this tab, the members page appears with the group admins at the top of the list.

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Group profile details: Custom groups (cohorts)

Each cohort profile includes details about the group as well as activity specific to the group. Below is an image of a cohort group profile; membership is determined by group admins.

Cohort group profile page in Wambi

  • Group name: Next to the group name is a star; to add this group to your starred groups, click on the star outline (if it is yellow, the group is already starred and appears in your home page side bar)
  • Group type and parent group: The type of group that this group is (team, unit, facility, hospital, etc.) appears as well as the parent group name; click this parent group to open that group profile
  • Group description: This information is added by group admins to share details about the purpose of the group
  • Celebrations: This shows who has upcoming or recent birthdays or service anniversaries; by clicking on celebrations, the list of all celebrations in the next year appears
  • Settings: This section shows details about who can see, join, and participate in the group

This is the newsfeed specific to the selected group. Posts pinned to this specific group will appear at the top of the feed for the selected days, and if you write a post from a group profile, the audience will be defaulted to the selected group only.

This page includes the total number of members and group admins the group has; by clicking on this tab, the members page appears with the group admins at the top of the list.

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