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Team member newsfeed

Welcome home! This article will provide an overview of the features available on the Wambi newsfeed for team members.

Team member newsfeed overview

From your Wambi homepage, you can:

  • View
    • Your organization, primary location, and all of your associated and starred groups
    • Celebrations in your groups
    • Recent newsfeed posts and Wambis (with filters by different type!)
    • Your progress bar (also appears on My Profile; you can unlock surprises if you have any available!)
    • Your active Challenges (this widget will not appear if there are no active challenges available)
  • Filter your newsfeed (by All, Posts, Patient Voice, and Celebrations)
  •  Search for colleagues or groups
  • Send a Wambi
  • Navigate
    • to Notifications  
    • to the menu


The following users will also see the  Management Hub as an option on their home page:


Celebrations will appear on group profiles on mobile.

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Rebecca is the author of this solution article.

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