Leaders can add delegate users to help perform their regular actions in Wambi! As a delegate user, once added, you will see the option to Switch Accounts in your menu and can take actions on behalf of the delegator. The delegator can see this activity and can make changes to the actions taken on their behalf. Finally, delegators can remove you as a delegate user from their account at any time.

Switch accounts to delegator

Once you have been added as a delegate user, you will be able to navigate to take actions on behalf of your delegator.

  1. Navigate to your menu
  2. Select  Switch Accounts
  3. The Switch Accounts box will appear; this will show all of the accounts available to you, as well as a green checkmark indicating your current account
  4. Select the account to switch to
  5. A Switch Accounts prompt will appear indicating that "The owner of this account can see the actions you take on their behalf."
  6. Click Accept

You are now navigating Wambi as your delegator! You can confirm the account you're in by looking at the welcome widget on your desktop, your menu at the top left of your desktop, or the bottom right on mobile.

You can send Wambis, create posts, and act on behalf of your delegator based on their role in Wambi.

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