Wambi accommodates organizational reporting groups in addition to location-based groups! This allows users more flexibility to find, filter by, and recognize teams based on groupings that are structurally familiar.
Newsfeed content
In addition to seeing activity from your existing location-based groups, you will also see newsfeed items from your organizational team (managers, direct reports, colleagues): any Wambis shared to the newsfeed, posts from team leaders, and celebrations!
Additionally, if you want to send a Wambi just to other people on your team, you can search for your manager's name and then send a Wambi directly to everyone on your team.
Leader-specific options
Analytics and Recent Wambis
On both the Analytics page and the Recent Wambis page, you will see the option to filter by your team(s) or teams under your reporting hierarchy with the updated group / subgroup filter. Simply select your desired team when you see this filter option, and the data will reflect the activity on your selected team.
Analytics and Recent Wambis are not available on mobile.
When you publish a post, it will show up on the newsfeed for everyone in the group(s) you selected, as well as any subgroups within that group (if that group has subgroups)! This applies to both location-based groups as well as teams; if there are reporting groups under your direct team, the post will appear for everyone.
For example, as Tanya Dale, the leader of her organizational group (Tanya Dale's Team) at Newtown Clinic:
- I can create a post that will appear for all 15 people on my team
- I can create a post that will appear for all 38 people at Newtown Clinic
As Ricardo Zavala, Tanya's manager who is a leader of his team (Ricardo Zavala's Team) at Newtown Clinic:
- I can create a post that will appear for any, some, or all of the teams that report to members of my team
- I can create a post that will appear for all 15 people on Tanya Dale's Team
- I can create a post that will appear for all 4 people on Deanna Joyce's Team
- I can create a post that will appear for all 7 people on and under Shelley Boyd's Team (which includes Jeremy Snow's Team)
- I can create a post that will appear for all 2 people on Jeremy Snow's Team (Jeremy reports to Shelley)
- I can create a post that will appear for all 28 people under my organizational team, which includes all of the teams listed above
- I can create a post that will appear for all 38 people at Newtown Clinic
If you want only your team (and not any subgroups) to see your post, send your team a Wambi instead!
It's easy to send a Wambi to as many groups or teams as you would like in your organization! If you are tagged directly to groups with subgroups (i.e. a leader at Meadowfield Clinic Health System), you will be able to send a Wambi to:
- Everyone tagged to a group (i.e. Meadowfield Clinic Health System (3 people)); this will appear as a "suggested" recipient
- Everyone tagged to the subgroups under the group (i.e. Everyone under Meadowfield Clinic Health System (12,004 people)); this will appear as a "suggested" recipient
For groupings that are physical locations (i.e. facilities), the groups that have subgroups will appear as "Everyone at [facility name]." For groupings that are not physical locations (i.e. organizational teams), the groups with subgroups will appear as "Everyone under [team name].
- Any individual group or team (without their subgroups) where you are not directly tagged or that is not under your organizational team, with no limit to how many you add at once (i.e. I can add all three of these teams, Tanya Dale's Team (15 people), Deanna Joyce's Team (4 people), and Shelley Boyd's Team (6 people)