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Roles in Wambi

In Wambi, every user has a role, each with its own level of permissions and access. Use the table below to explore specific permissions for each Wambi role.

Wambi user types

Gratitude Gatherer
This is the volunteer role entrusted to collect patient Wambis for your organization - role is critical in capturing the voices of patients and families, allowing providers to receive recognition in real time! View the user guide here. 

Contractors have access to use limited features in Wambi: they can star and view group profiles; view and edit their own profile; view others’ profiles; react, comment, edit, or delete your comment on newsfeed; send, schedule, draft, edit, and share a Wambi; and ask for support.

Team Member
Team Members have access to use features in Wambi, except for those that are limited to only Group Administrators and/or Managers as shown on the Permissions by role chart.

Group Administrator
Group Admins have access to administer group(s) they oversee in Wambi.

Manager (ONLY)
Managers have access to manage their direct reports in Wambi.

Manager + Group Administrator
Most managers will have joint group administrative capabilities for their teams and access to manage their direct reports in Wambi.

Prize Administrator
Prize Administrators have access to use the Prize Administration feature in Wambi, in addition to the access they have as a Team Member, Group Administrator, or Manager; see Administrator features for details.

Administrators have access to use the Administration features in Wambi, in addition to the access they have as a Team Member, Group Administrator, or Manager; see Administrator features for details.

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Permissions by role

Breakdown of permissions by role type for key features in Wambi.

Team MembersGroup AdminManager
Manager & Group Admin
Star and view group profiles

View and edit own profile

View others’ profiles

React, comment, edit, or delete your comment on newsfeed

Send, schedule, draft, edit, and share a Wambi

Create, schedule, draft, update, or remove a post (and pin if desired)

Participate in Challenges

Unlock, claim, or gift prizes or raffle tickets

View Analytics and dashboard(s)

View recent Wambis

Manage your direct reports (Collect Wambis, View feedback, profile changes, team’s patient voice)

Administer a group (create a cohort, remove a Wambi, comment, or post)

If you are a manager only and are not also a group admin, Analytics will not show any data.

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Administrator features

The Administrator features appear in the Management Hub for users with prize administrator or administrator permissions.

Prize AdministratorsAdministrators
HR Data Upload

Wambi Drive

Prize Fulfillment


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Rebecca is the author of this solution article.

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