Your profile photo helps your team and patients know who you are in Wambi. Make sure your photo is clear; it'll be easier for someone to share their gratitude with you!

Add or change a profile photo

Upload your favorite profile photo (it’ll require manager approval)!

  1. Navigate to your menu
  2. Select  My preferences
  3. Your preferences will open to  Account Settings
  4. Tap or click on the  camera icon on your profile photo image.
  5. Click the Choose File button. You can either take a photo right in Wambi or select one from your device library!
  6. Adjust the image by zooming in or out on the zoom bar, or rotate the image using the image rotation button. Click Next when you're done!
  7. Preview your photo as it will appear across the platform. To change the image, tap the  camera icon on your profile photo image, or tap the  back arrow. To submit your photo for manager review, click Submit Photo. You're all set!


You cannot delete a profile photo from Wambi; to change your profile photo, follow the Upload Photo process outlined above.

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